Rabu, 09 September 2015

What makes Sports Betting so popular?

Sports Betting is popular for 3 universal reasons. I will list and expand on each.

The global appeal of Football, Basketball and Soccer. These three sports have fans from all over the world. The games are played on multiple continents. They have international stars in each of the three. Fans can connect with the players via social media. They develop an affinity for the players and the brand. As a result they are compelled to bet on them when they are watching on television or via live stream.

The Internet- Information can be obtain right at your fingertips. You can get injury reports, points spreads and historical data of how opponents have fared against each other. There was a time when you would have to be in a sports book in Las Vegas to get this type of information. Your second choice would be from your favorite pregame show or weekly periodical. Anyone remember when having Sports Illustrated was a must?  Now you can get it on your PC or phone.

Credit Card and Debit Accounts - Since most of our transactions can be done with the same phone and PC that gives you the info to determine your bet, the accessibility of your credit or debit card will finalize the process. If you wanted to bet a parlay in Delaware, you would have to physically go to the casino or the establishment takes bets. If you have a mobile account that is active in a jurisdiction that accepts bets and you are in that state, you could phone your action in. There are countless off shore accounts that will accept your action but they are illegal. This does not diminish the amount of people that are using them to satisfy the sports betting itch.

           The countdown to NFL Kickoff is 1day away.  How are you scratching your itch?

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