Jumat, 25 April 2014

Online Gaming in New Jersey - 5 months and growing

This is the fifth month that New Jersey has offered Online Gaming. The numbers are not overwhelming but are increasing every month. The projections of over 1.2 billion a year
were grossly exaggerated. The current numbers lead to a more modest estimation of 220
million to the casinos and 36 million of tax revenue to the State.
Several factors attributed the slow start. I 'll go with two. Lack of public knowledge
did not allow for an great opening. Marketing efforts did not ramp up until January.
At this time all of the casinos do not have an online gaming presence. The State anticipated each of
the casinos would be have some share of the online gaming market.

At this time, Caesars Interactive and Borgata are dominating with over 70% between them. This
is due to the planning and development of Caesars and the foresight of Borgata to offer mobile
gaming. Borgata has a mobile gaming app and is developing one for Android devices. These moves gave these respective gaming operators a jump on the competition.

               Follow me on Twitter  https://twitter.com/GamingguyM and Facebook                          https://www.facebook.com/gaming.guym?ref=tn_tnmn

Sabtu, 19 April 2014

NBA Playoff Preview 2014

Today is the start of the NBA Playoffs. This is the next best thing to March Madness for a basketball fan. Now each game means something. A regular season game between the Pacers and the Hawks would not raise an eyebrow unless you are from Atlanta or Indiana. A playoff series determines if your team can move toward getting a ring. TNT 's Win or Go Home!

The popular choices to get to professional basketball version of the Final Four are the Pacers, Heat, Spurs and Thunder. One of these teams is not going to get there. An injury or a ill advised coaching decision can change everything. Who can make adjustments from game to game is also a factor.

Here are some of my ABC sports views about this year's playoffs.

Coach on the hot seat. Scott Brooks. If Thunder don't win it all or wind up in the finals, a change is in order.

Player with the most eyes on him. Dwight Howard. Superman left two franchises in disarray (Orlando and Los Angeles). Now we get a chance to see what he will do in what he felt is the perfect place for him. I see kryptonite near the foul line.

Teams that are Happy/ Pharrell Williams.  Just glad to be here and will be lucky to win more than 1 game. Charlotte Bobcats and Dallas Mavericks.

                                       Music Please!


Teams that started hot but now they are not. Pacers and Portland. Chemistry has left Indiana and injuries have ravaged the Blazers. Pacers answer the bell. Portland leaves the party early.

Best opening round series. Clippers and Warriors. Each game will be high scoring and filled with highlights for  ESPN's Sportscenter.

I will share more but you have to join me on #GTLivechat  with my co host @KeshisCuties.
             Follow me on Twitter at @GamingguyM.  Tell me your +NBA Final Four.
                Every Saturday during the Playoffs we will preview the game of the day.

Senin, 14 April 2014

Philly Tech Week Night at the Comcast Center

I attended the Philly Tech Week Signature Event at the Comcast Center. This event was sponsored
by AT&T. I would say over 1200 people were in attendance. It was well worth $30. They provided
food and beverages.
                                                                       And open bar! 

Several sponsors were there in addition to AT&T. They all were attempting to enlighten the crowd about their products and services. This was also a great opportunity to network.
Some of the notable in the crowd included Dr. Frank Lee from Drexel University, Danielle Cohn from the Philadelphia Visitors and Convention Bureau and Michael Maher, the cofounder of Benjamin's Desk. Media was represented by Comcast and 6ABC.
I was able to meet and exchanges ideas along with business cards with over 15 people. My goal was 10. I passed out flyers and explained my purpose for being at a tech event. I was warmly received and
glad that I invested the time and the money to come. I plan to reach out to everyone that I met that night to enhance the initial meeting.
My night was complete when I met Christopher Wink, the founder of Philly Tech Week. He was gracious and thank me for coming. I truly should have thanked him for having the vision to set an event up like this. Entrepreneurs, groups involved with start up ventures or college students seeking information are all in one room. Each of them with the opportunity to talk about what they do and how they propose to do it.  I'll be there again next year. But my goal will be loftier. I plan to meet at least 30 people. Maybe you.
Read more about Philly Tech Week!
Follow me on Twitter at @GamingguyM and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/gaming.guym

Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Philly Tech Week 2014

Yesterday was the 1st day of Philly Tech Week. I participated last year and learned about the dynamics of coding. Coding is the language that programmers use to write applications and develop web pages. This year, I am attending again. Some of the sessions that I plan to attend include digital marketing trends and  crowdfunding for start ups. I go to events like this mainly for the networking opportunities.
Last year, I met Dr. Frank Lee from Drexel University. It was that meeting that led me to utilizing Drexel for my current design and developer needs. My point is that I went to the meet up for one purpose and a year later, it turn into a larger venture than I had conceived. So stepping out of your element is a good thing. Don't limit yourself to your circle of family, friends and business associates. Build your network. Go places with faith that you never dream of. 
This is the link to an article about Professor Lee and his involvement with Philly Tech Week 2014.
This year, about 70 freshmen entered Drexel's highly regarded gaming program, which bridges its College of Computing and Informatics and its College of Media Arts and Design. They all meet - digital artists, coding geeks, and those who span the divide - at Drexel's new Entrepreneurial Game Studio, a name reflecting Lee's aim for students.
Drexel University is one of the strongest technical schools in the country.  Dr. Lee prominently cites the expertise and creativity of his students. I hope to tell you soon of my experience of dealing with one of them.
Thanks to Philly.com and Jeff Gelles for outstanding story about the conception of a mobile gaming hub.  
                                        Follow me on Twitter at GamingguyM and
                              on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/gaming.guym